First of all, what is really valuable in terms of health and nutritional value is the content and quality of the honey. We have evaluated comb honey and extracted honey for you from several different perspectives.
Is comb honey better?
Before bees put honey into the cells, they apply propolis to various parts of the comb for both strength and antioxidant and antifungal effects. The smell of propolis combines with the smell of honey and greets you with a wonderful taste. We, beekeepers, are enchanted by this smell when we open our beehives.
When you eat comb honey, you also eat the propolis it contains.
You may come across pieces of “pollen”, a vitamin storehouse that bees have kept for themselves. This is another factor that increases its importance in our opinion.
The taste of comb honey is different from the taste of extracted honey, we do not compare. Ease of use varies from person to person.
Is strained honey easier to eat?
If you like to eat honey with other ingredients such as honey cream, honey butter or honey bread for breakfast, strained honey may be more suitable for you.
If you are making honey milk, honey ice cream, honey lemonade or if you like honey mixtures such as sports drinks, you should still prefer strained honey. For hair, skin or special mixtures, you should also use strained honey for external use.
Eating crispy comb honey straight from the hive is a whole different pleasure and preference. However, we receive feedback from you that it is easier to use filtered honey.
Which honey lasts longer?
Honey doesn't spoil. You just have to store it properly.
How to store comb honey
One day, when you open the comb honey, you may say "Oh! There are butterflies / worms!" :)
We recommend that you store it at room temperature or in a cool place without air.
A fine detail about comb honey is that in natural combs that have not been contaminated with chemicals, there may be tiny creatures like a moth that has sneaked into the comb at the edges in the half-cells and gaps that the bee has not yet closed. These gaps are a wonderful living space for many little friends.
You should store it away from water and moisture.
There are no risks such as moths in strained honey , that is, honey in a jar. Because possible eggs remain in the comb while straining. It is necessary to store strained honey in a jar away from moisture and water. It may change shape but it never spoils.
Another answer to the question "Comb or extracted honey?" is that both types of honey have their own unique taste and usage area, so they each have their own place.
Which honey is better?
If you are looking for superiority in honey, you should look at the quality of the honey and ask these questions:
In which natural environment did the bee fly? Were chemical measures or agricultural poisons used in the hives? Did the bee fly to food sources such as sugar and glucose, or to flowers, trees, forests, in other words, to its nature freely?
You can ask such questions to the bee, the honey or the interlocutors you buy from.
Black hive honey
Reasons for honey to be produced from a hive include ensuring that the honeycomb is built from scratch by the bees and ensuring that less wax is chewed in the mouth while eating the honey.
However, if someone says that they sell the hard-earned black hive honey as "extracted black hive honey", you should stay away or be convinced of the reason. However, we never extract our black hive honey, because the honey we will extract is the honey we produce with technical beekeeping in wide square frames.
Unless you are cheating, Karahive honey is a long and laborious production process. Therefore, straining such a large amount of comb is not a situation that a beekeeper can stomach.
We are trying to be as transparent as we can and as eloquent as we can. We hope we have been helpful.
We also recommend you our video on this subject.